International Credit Card Processing and Consulting


Our Risk team closely monitors our portfolio, whether it’s on a transactional, bank level, merchant, or card brand basis. Through the use of adaptive and scalable technology and guided by industry experts, we are able to rapidly identify and remediate problems, determine the root cause, and communicate effectively to relevant stakeholders.

Have a question?

Contact F1 Payments!

Easy Steps


Schedule a Meeting

  • Expectations Outlined
  • Revenue Opportunities
  • Discovery of needs – how we can serve you
  • Explore potential Features/Benefits


Execute Partner Agreement

  • Welcome call to walkthrough tools and resources
  • Establish Partner Portal Logins and Partner codes
  • Assign Relationship Manager


Strategize, Plan and Execute Go to Market

  • Establish Milestones/Target
  • Sales Engines
  • Our Plan of Engagement with Prospects
  • Optional/Integrated Product